What is Due Diligence?

With the internet and AI tools at your disposal, it may seem like you have everything you need when conducting online research. However, those methods often only reach the surface level, and you need a better and stronger due diligence process to understand the complete picture of a prospective business partner.

Watch as Cynthia Hetherington explains what Due Diligence is, why it matters, and how it can help you protect your business interests.

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Due Diligence can help you:

  • Reduce risks of fraud, legal liabilities, and strategic mismatches

  • Identify opportunities for your business to thrive and grow

  • Make informed decisions about prospective business partners and investments

  • Ensure an organization and the people within it are a good fit to be aligned with your brand

Cynthia Hetherington

About Cynthia Hetherington

Cynthia Hetherington, MLS, MSM, CFE, CII is the founder and CEO of Hetherington Group, a consulting, publishing, and training firm that leads in due diligence, corporate intelligence, and cyber investigations by keeping pace with the latest security threats and assessments.

Her firm trains more than 7,200 investigators, security professionals, attorneys, accountants, auditors, military intelligence professionals, and federal, state, and local agencies on best practices annually. She has authored three industry-leading reference books (with a fourth publishing in 2023) on conducting cyber investigations.

Ms. Hetherington leads national and international investigations into corporate due diligence and fraud, personal asset recovery, and background checks. Applying her specialized knowledge of the financial, pharmaceutical, and telecommunications industries, her cyber investigations have recovered millions of dollars in high profile corruption cases, including for the top two Ponzi cases in United States history.

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